Saturday 25 June 2005


I hate computer viruses, I hate the geekoids who came up with them, I hate the idiot in me who clicked on the link without thinking, you'd think after god knows how long of sucessfully siaming all the spammers, trojans and assorted whatnots of the virus world I'd at least have suspected that something smelt like fish when I first read the email....bleah.

Anyways, a short work jaunt to Cebu later and here me are, blog blog blog.

Early morning, leaving on a jet plane

Shot this as I was about to get on the plane, it was a shitty rainy morning the day I left and the planes taking off left pretty impressive trails of water as they blasted off into the wild blue yonder. Pity I overexposed the shots, only so much PS can do to cover up a sucky photographer. Heh.

Cebu, Philippines
View from the hotel window, the buildings in Cebu rarely climb above 5 stories save for some hotels, commercial and government buildings. Income disparity is insane, a buffet lunch for two with drinks can equal the monthly take home pay of a housekeeper. I read somewhere the Philippines was the strongest economy in Asia at the time of it's independence, what the hell went wrong?
S$1 = 30 pesos approx.

Tuesday 14 June 2005

IR Idiots

So, the MacRitchie Treetop Walk has been classified as "not user friendly" by some of the people who have tried the route since it opened in November last year.

Oh for crying out loud, what were you people expecting? Just getting to the walk itself requires a 4.5/2.5km walk depending on where you start out from. I haven't walked it myself but I did a couple of hikes that skirted the area back when I was a Scout and it defintely ain't no walk in the park.

Just seeing the TV pictures of families carrying strollers and hearing of them not packing enough water or food brought tears to my eyes. Of course it's tough if you're lugging a stroller through the forest and hoping you won't pass out from lack of food. It's got to be this thing that Singaporeans have, the island is so devoid of any meaningful activity spots (shopping and eating can only get you so far) that everytime something new comes up, people just have to die die try it, jump right in without looking, witness the hordes that descended on Lim Chu Kang when the bunch of farmer wannabes there opened up their properties to the public.

Anyways, I wanted to rant more about this, but that was before I stumbled on Merv's take on this, took the words out of my mouth. Horses for courses, ya farktwats. It's a wonder CNA aired the stoopid segment in the first place, like the world needs to be reminded how soft and senseless Singaporeans are.

In other news, we got us a new MRT line, to be completed by 2012 at the cost of S$1,400,000,000, this line will have 5 stations and will be run by SMRT.

Starting with...
Millenia on the Circle Line
Bayfront, which serves IR No.1 and Botanical Gardens No.2 (which IMHO is just plain sited wrongly)
Landmark, near 1 Raffles Quay, the new business and financial centre
Cross Street
Chinatown on the Circle Line

I wonder what they'll call this line?

Money, money, money....Money! Line
IR Line
Integrated Line

Technorati ,

Monday 13 June 2005

Pit Stop

Dang it, wanted to blog but the wifey looks like she's coming down with something, must go see to her needs so I'll just leave you loyal readers with a little something, yes, all 3 of you, I know who you are, well, sort of, blame Bless you guys for religiously checking every other day to see if I've posted anything new, makes me feel wanted. LOL.

{Nori123} You don't know jack shit
{VioletSky} That's not true, I know him well
{Nori123} Haha
{VioletSky} I'm serious
{VioletSky) Jack is the son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children
{VioletSky} Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out.
{VioletSky) However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name.
{VioletSky) She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.
{VioletSky) Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.
{VioletSky) The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.
{VioletSky) Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.
{VioletSky) So there.
{FiPo) LOL
{Nori123) I have actually chortled coke through my nose
- quote #515093,

Wednesday 8 June 2005


It's been a while since the last one. Much has been said about much that was done, yet here I am, it's as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, life goes on.

I've always suspected the rifts were there, little clues here and there, every so often. It's gut wrenching to see your loved ones act out what happens when two people do not communicate. It's scary when you start identifying all those danger signs you remember from the marriage prep course from not so long ago. Nothing like a look into the future to scare the beejeezus out of yourself if you don't pay attention to the basics.

EJ's been acting up, she's latched on to the fact that if she cries we'll drop everything to pick her up. Of course we've been subjected to the usual barrage of ill-timed and unwelcomed advice on how not to pick her up whenever she starts going eh-eh-eh in that weird cry that she has for fear of spoiling her but Mummy says to hell with that, cry=pick up. The books say EJ will grow up with a better sense of security if she knows there are people who care about her, works for me.

Thursday 2 June 2005


With the departure of B2 to that last bastion of democracy and equal rights for all during the early hours of this morning my immediate family unit now has representatives in the US and Oz. It will be sometime during Christmas 2006 before we will all be standing in the same physical space at the same time again.

That cliche about not knowing what you got till you miss it rings true at this time, we've never been what you might consider close, I guess that's what you get when all your siblings are male. Seems to me girls have the edge on boys when it comes to building and maintaining sibling relationships, even friendships in general. Of course, there's a chance of bitchiness coming into the equation and fucking things up but in general girl-girl friendships seem to stand the test of time better than guy-guy friendships.

The relationship between the Eggs 3 has always been one of don't ask, don't tell. No one asks about your life, you tell no one about it too. It wasn't always like that, I remember us sleeping on the same bed while we were young, sharing the same room when we couldn't all fit into one bed anymore and just talking about nonsense while we lay in bed waiting for the Sleep Monster to ambush us. Those times were the best, we played hard, fought harder and yet in the quiet time before sleep, we'd always have something to talk about, each cocooned in his own bed staring up at the ceiling (in the case of B2, staring up at the bottom of the top bed of the double decker), just talking. Sometimes a little too excitedly, which brought the Big Daddy Bird into the room threatening in a loud voice and in no uncertain terms what he'd do to us if we didn't quiet down and go to sleep.

We've done a lot of growing up since those days, we've taken different paths along the way and made friends of our own, created our own worlds and our own support structure, to the extent that water seems thicker than blood sometimes. Yet, ironically, for all the distance that seems to separate us, both literally and figuratively, I've come to realise that there is nothing I won't do for either of them. You never know what you got till you lose it, indeed.

Wednesday 1 June 2005


EJ has been acting up at night lately, she has been screaming her lungs out the past 2 nights where she used to only cry when she was hungry or when her diapers were soiled. All attempts at getting her to calm down failed and it was only out of sheer exhaustion that she stopped on both occasions. We think it might be colic but can't be sure, it seems to only happen at night. Both her parents are totally frazzled by her crying although we haven't lost our sanity yet.

Perhaps it's her way of thumbing her nose at us for saying she's a joy to look after. Heh, that's my girl.

In other news, the first of many rounds of makan (in honour of EJ's first month) at our place took place this past weekend. Distant relatives who I don't care for fouled up what should have been an occasion to remember. Bleah.