Wednesday 8 June 2005


It's been a while since the last one. Much has been said about much that was done, yet here I am, it's as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, life goes on.

I've always suspected the rifts were there, little clues here and there, every so often. It's gut wrenching to see your loved ones act out what happens when two people do not communicate. It's scary when you start identifying all those danger signs you remember from the marriage prep course from not so long ago. Nothing like a look into the future to scare the beejeezus out of yourself if you don't pay attention to the basics.

EJ's been acting up, she's latched on to the fact that if she cries we'll drop everything to pick her up. Of course we've been subjected to the usual barrage of ill-timed and unwelcomed advice on how not to pick her up whenever she starts going eh-eh-eh in that weird cry that she has for fear of spoiling her but Mummy says to hell with that, cry=pick up. The books say EJ will grow up with a better sense of security if she knows there are people who care about her, works for me.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I came by way of your posts in littlecartnoodles' blog.

OT topic, but I just wonder if you are into the Nihon Kaigun as well? :)

First Born Egg said...

Hiya takchek,

Thanks for dropping by!

Always nice to meet someone with similar interests. I not really up to speed on the IJN, I'm most familiar with the flattops and to a lesser extent, the major capital ships. Why? You doing some digging? :)

takchek said...

firstborn: There's loads of info at
