Saturday 30 July 2005

Let me get this straight

Got this off another blogger, I shouldn't run on the platforms or concourses of the Tube, especially if I'm carrying a rucksack, wearing a big coat or look a bit foreign. We're already tarring the Muslims with the same brush anyways, let's just do a double jeopardy on Muslims (majority of whom are not Caucasian and therefore foreign) and who might just come from a climate where 17 degrees C is indeed cold and therefore warrants a big coat. Let's not forget the backpacker tourists from warmer climates who are visiting London this time of the year too. Stereotyping, gotta love it.

I've already said my piece about Jean Charles. I understand the need for acting in the interest of the safety of the majority but what like the Telegraph opinion piece says,

On the same day, Mr de Menezes's jacket cost him his life, the Telegraph ran a page of portraits showing the dead of July 7. Many were like him: young adults of vaguely foreign extraction for whom English was a second language. Possibly they, too, had suspicious quirks of dress. Certainly, at any moment of the day the Tube's full of foreigners with heavy coats and bulky bags. They're on the Piccadilly line heading to Heathrow, the Victoria line to pick up the Gatwick Express, the Docklands to City Airport, the Northern to Euston. I doubt whether many Bulgars or Croats or Mauritians or Quebeckers or many of the rest of the vast tide of humanity sweeping through London every day would be sufficiently familiar with the Met's new policy to prostrate themselves quickly enough before plain-clothes marksmen.

The more I think of it, the more ridiculous it seems, Menezes was observed from the time he went out of his flat, got on a bus and then into a Tube station, if authorities had suspected him of carrying explosives at that time, why didn't they take him down sooner? Why let him get on a bus in the first place? Isn't that also a target? I know it's not kosher to second guess the coppers, it's a shitty situation, damned if you shoot, damned if you don't. I know I wouldn't want to be in the shooter's shoes right now but the Met apprehended the 4 suspected bombers, alive.

Perhaps the shooting of J.C. was a knee jerk reaction to the events of the previous day but when you see the 4 suspected bombers alive and Menezes dead something does not compute. If authorities can track someone who they think is carrying explosives all the way from his house to a Tube station and then decide to do something about it only when he gets there, something about the whole things is terribly, terribly wrong. Menezes part 2 cannot be allowed to happen again, no matter what Sir Ian Blair says.

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