Tuesday 9 August 2005

A light in the sky

It's been 60 years since anyone alive today saw the flash of an atomic weapon detonated in anger and lived to tell the tale. The second of only two atomic bombs used on live targets detonated over Nagasaki at the precise time of this post.

But really, does anyone care?

EJ is exactly 14 weeks old. She's come a long way since that day in May when she was forcibly removed from her temporary lodging and brought out into this world of harsh lights and sounds. She's been able to recognize and respond to her primary caregivers for a while now and has recently been taken out for short jaunts into town, giving her a chance to charm strangers who smiled at her or commented on her cuteness by giving them a smile of her own. She's grown a fair bit and is able to hold her head up more or less unassisted. She can communicate through the use of different sorts of short cries and her repertoire of sounds has grown by leaps and bound. She has also recently started to use her face to show her displeasure, a step up from when she first started smiling at people.

Then again, like anyone gives a shit.

And today's the day Singapore celebrates 40 years of independence. That's all that matters doesn't it? Wave the flag, thump the chest,see the fireworks. Oooh, ahhh, it's all good.

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