Saturday 7 July 2007

Getting up to speed


Okay, so it's been a while, not like anyone missed me or anything. 2 years have gone by in a flash, the missus and I got ourselves a running (oh dear god does she run), jumping and one word blabbering 2 year old on my hands, a far cry from the very passive 3 month old the last time I updated. Never one to be stingy with her smiles and very infectious laughter as we troop into the house after a long day at work. We also have to contend with her temper when she doesn't get what she wants or when it's time for bed.

There are some worries about her language development as the few peers she has that we know of are already quite used to 3 to 4 word mini sentences while she's stuck using one word at a time, on balance, her motor skills seem fairly well developed and she's a great runner and climber so I guess we'll just have to wait and see a little longer. B1 and B2 are back from their overseas stints so the clan is back together again, EJ's grandparents are doing alright too.

Oh, we're expecting Number 2 sometime in November. Heaven help us. Seems like we just barely scratched the surface of getting a handle on EJ and now we got another one on the way to introduce sibling rivalry into the equation, to say nothing of that whole 3 feeds a night crap again.

Anyhoo, EJ's off to pre-nursery come next year. I have to say I was quite hesitant on sending her to school at such a young age when we made the decision earlier this year but as time passed it was made clear to me that we've come to a point where she needs more challenges and stimuli to order to grow and having an environment where there is some semblance of structure and an opportunity to interact with her peers seems like a nifty idea. Did I also mention that EJ's pretty good at repeating the names of objects we point out both in picture books and the real world? Like a parrot. Must stop cursing in the car.

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