Tuesday 26 April 2005

The German Shepherd and baby E.J.

It's been quite a week, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Dean of the College of Cardinals, head of the Doctrine of the Faith, one of the key figures in Pope John Paul's inner circle, is now Pope Bendict XVIthe 265th direct descendent of St. Pete. A man who has been described as the Catholic Church's leading conservative was elected in one of the swiftest elections ever, just 3 ballots over 2 days. It's still early days but it doesn't seem he's as naturally warm as his predecessor, still it's not fair to judge him right out from the gate. Of course the fact he turned 78 last Saturday has not helped in the murmurings about the Conclave's choice. That said, The Lord works in mysterious ways so we'll just have to wait and see.

E.J. is scheduled for touchdown on the morning of 3 May, it's going to have to be a Caesarean cos E.J. has a head that's a little bigger than average and she's been putting on a bit o weight, 3168 grams as of 2 weeks ago. The confinement lady's been given the heads up, everyone who's anyone to us is getting all excited about seeing E.J, the baby bag is packed, mummy is good to go and daddy is praying he won't collapse in an embarassing heap in the OT.

You see, Mrs Egg has elected for an epidural, aka local anasthesia, aka you're-conscious-while-they-cut-you-up. Mummy wants to do this so she can breastfeed E.J. as soon as E.J. comes roaring out the gate. Personally, I think Mummy is psycho but you didn't hear that from me. What this all means is that I'm going to be in there with her as they're doing the cutting, pulling and sewing. I get to bring the camera along so I can capture the procedure in all it's full blood and gore, so yeah, if I have to suffer, all yous is coming along with me.

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