Friday 8 April 2005


I'm going to be a Daddy in 5 weeks and I want E.J. and however many siblings that follow to have a record of the times that were while they were too young to want to know.

Mrs. Egg and I are expecting a 01 x girl, baby in about 5 weeks times, thus far the pregancy seems to be going along smoothly, Mrs Egg has not slowed down noticeably in the physical or mental department (although frequency of random ditzy statements and behaviour have increased slightly, as per pregnancy specs), E.J. was slightly over 2kg the last time she was ultrasounded, her head's a little bigger than average, "not pathological" according to the gynae, whatever that means. Said head size also just about rules out the natural birth we've been hoping for. Dang it.

P.S. ultrasound machines are just wonderpul leetle pluckers, yeah they can do measurements of thigh bones, head diameters, show you the baby's sex, what the little devil is up to during the scan (usually getting pissed at the poking and prodding), but get this loh, they've got software that can measure the thickness of the skin on the back of the baby's neck to check for Down's, like, from the techincal standpoint, how the fark you guys do that?

I also wanted to write again, I used to be very good at it back in school. I liked writing especially if others read it, it was nice to get compliments on my essays every so often, that and it’s good practice for night school. I’ll need a little time to find my voice and stride so bear with me anyone out there reading this.

Pope John Paul II died earlier this week, his funeral was today. The only spiritual representative of St. Peter that I've known in my lifetime has returned to HQ to report. I hope Pete's got a warm seat ready for him. His legacy of being part of bringing down the Iron Curtain, preaching peace, forgiveness and tolerance in addition to his stands on contraception, gays and his flying in the face of Vatican II make for enough material to write a thesis and I'm just too lazy to do that. I prefer to remember him as someone the world could use a few more of, send us some more Lord, the human race might just make something of itself yet.

Courage! Men may yet defeat the politicians - Alistair Cooke

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