Friday 20 May 2005

20.05.2005 How not to blog?

Truth be told I only realised today was the day when I was updating inventory records like I do at the end of each week. Holy crap! 20.05.2005! Never will a day like this appear again....until 20.06.2006. In the words of Neo, whoa!

116 couples are getting hitched today, the highest so far this year, surpassing the 107 couples who got married on 05.05.05. Yep, we Singaporeans always outdoing outselves when it comes to being number 1. But the record for largest number of weddings in a single day is still held by 14.02.1995. Apparently not only was it Velentine's Day, it was Yuan Xiao Jie, the Chinese Valentine's Day as well. A phenomenon only repeated every 20 years. Over 2,000 couples got married that fateful day. Anyone want to do a survey on how many of those couples are still couples 20 years from now?, no.....swearing.

But, much as I detest the kitschiness of it all, to each his/her own. Here's wishing the 232 of you blissful marriages, Trust is important but communication more so, because according to some survey from a few months back, most Singaporeans don't seem to be happy with their life partners. A staggering number, over 50% surveyed IIRC. There's something fundamentally scary about the implication that at least 1 of every 2 couples you meet on the street, among your friends and in your workplace are not happy with each other.

Of course, I could go on about the importance of communication in a relationship, I could say that the ability to engage your partner in conversation about anything without getting a "you want to break up with me/take a look at yourself in the mirror first" look is a sign of a healthy relationship and lah-dee-dah but that would just smack of being holier-than-thou right?

Anyways, EJ just blew past 2 weeks, she's
- exerting more control over where she wants the head, and consequently the eyes to go.
- staying awake for longer periods of time.
- letting her eyes roam around her view of vision when she is awake.
- showing signs of recognising her mummy and daddy. (debatable, but oh do we wish it were so)
- being more vocal, even though it's just short gasps of eh, uh, ehhhh.
- still kan cheong when it comes to feeding time, head just swaying all over the place when it's time to latch on, won't settle down on the nipple until she's satisfied there's nothing else around to latch on to.
- still a pretty good sleeper, wakes up at midnight and around 0400hrs for her feeds, like clockwork this one is. Fingers crossed it carries on.
- still gorgeous

Happy 20.05.2005 all!

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