Wednesday 25 May 2005

A package from Canada

I received a package from Canada today, it cost something like $18 Canadian in postage. In it there were 2 books on babies and a card for the parents of EJ.

It came from a man I barely knew, with whom I had spent all of maybe 4 hours, we met because of business but parted after sharing our views on Psychology (we both studied it) and bringing up kids. I don't know much about him and I think I probably will never see him again, which just amplifies what he did. Two strangers who might never have met had it not been for a phone call. It warms my heart to know that there are people like him, who will spontaneously do something nice for a fellow human being no strings attached, still out there. This planet might still be worthy of redemption yet.

Thanks Larry, I'll see you around.

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